miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008


Well, I just got back from Reconnect. I was dreading going and spending a week in Antigua but it turned out to be alright. We had two days of general sessions, where we talked about our frustrations and problems and strategies to overcome them. Then we had several days of Spanish classes. It was great to see how far I have progressed.

I have resolved to work more on my own and less with Intervida and ADICTA because with them I´m not accomplishing my program´s objectives. What this will look like I´m not sure, but I´m sure that it needs to be done.

I was told yesterday by the cordinator of Intervida Tejutla that the program of seguridad alimentaria (food security, my program) would continue. This is good news because recently I haven´t been able to work in my field, other than selling seeds, because there hasn´t been funding.

I told him that I was not content with the work that I have been doing that I would like to do more. He told me to be patient and more work would come, and so I felt encouraged and decided that I would give Intervida another chance.

Yesterday, yet again, they did not have transportation for me so I was stuck in Tejutla left to study spanish and agriculture. And then I remembered why I need to work on my own. I would love to colaborate with Intervida but that is really not a possibility right now.

Likewise with ADICTA, they also are not really working with family gardens anymore nor small animals. They have one project right now that´s keeping them somewhat afloat: Veterianarios sin Fronteras (Vets without Borders). However, that´s a small project that´s paying two salaries and giving micro loans to buy livestock. Also, not exactly in my area.

My sitemate, Paul has been working with them on a solicitud for NED (National Endowment for Democracy). It´s a US organization that promotes civic particapation. http://www.ned.org/ Also, not in my department of promoting vegetable gardens and better nutrition.

Also, today I was asked if I could get a couple ¨vasitos de miel¨ bottles of honey in the US Embassy... Olivia?

What I need to do is make a Work Plan and execute it. Focus on just a few communities and try to do my work. But first, I´ll try to help Virginia, my counterpart in ADICTA, type up some ¨solicitudes¨ for micro loans...

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