miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

I wish this was quotidian feeling*

Today was a great day. Virginia and I went to Tuisincé and hiked around doing house visits to check up on how the animals are doing.

Pictured somewhere around this text is Doña Maria's goat and her family. They received a goat through the Heifer International project with which I'm working. This female goat is going to have her young soon, and from the looks of it at least two, maybe three. They also have a pregnant mare, not pictured unfortunately, and the two have become good friends; inseparable really. To show us the goat they brought up the mare and the goat just followed right behind. They said they let them loose to go grazing together. Goats usually have to be tied or closely watched or they wander off but she just stays near the mare. So strange.

Anyways it was a great day. Animals are alive. People bought some vegetable seeds for their gardens.

* quotidian - 1. Everyday; commonplace
2. Recurring daily. Used especially of attacks of malaria.
(I'm studying for the GRE)

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